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Today We Dream

about living and learning, and filling our lives with children and their future.

How well do your children handle adversity?

How well do your children handle adversity?


Adult responses to children’s successes and failures have enormous consequences. If we begin to consider how our actions affect the way our kids view challenge and risk, it's amazing the impact we can have on the development of our children's academic reasoning.

Failure is a lesson in being successful.  The most profound lessons, we learn through our mistakes.  It's not possible to go through life without falling, and how children learn to react to this builds up their resilience.

Read this article in the Dallas News here entitled "Lawnmower parents are raising a generation of kids who struggle with adversity" to learn more about what skills parents equip their children with in order to move through the process.


Why ADHD is often wrongly diagnosed.

Why ADHD is often wrongly diagnosed.

The dirt on kids, and dirt

The dirt on kids, and dirt