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Today We Dream

about living and learning, and filling our lives with children and their future.

The dirt on kids, and dirt

The dirt on kids, and dirt


"I like mud
I like it on my toes
I like it on my fingers
I like it on my nose
Dirt's pretty horrible but mud's the stuff
I like mud"

Kids and dirt, or more precisely kids and soil, have long been a perfect match. The connection could almost be described as instinctual. Regardless of differences in culture, language, and ethnicity, regardless of whether a child is born on a small farm or a sprawling metropolis, one thing remains constant: children absolutely love playing in soil. While the exact reasons underlying children’s fascination with soil remain open to debate, it is in many ways a moot point because the connection between healthy soil and healthy children is irrefutable," writes E. Britt Moore in "Kids and Soil: A Perfect Match" (Exchange, May/June 2017).

"A child who does something as deceptively unremarkable as making a mud pie is, in fact, engaging in tactile scientific learning that differentiates soil physical properties and correlates soil water properties to soil texture. If the prior statement seems exaggerated, then take a moment to think about how often a child will adjust the water-to-soil ratio in a mud pie until she finds the perfect balance. What is that if not the scientific process of experimentation, trial, and error at work?"


How well do your children handle adversity?

How well do your children handle adversity?

Back to School Tips for Parents

Back to School Tips for Parents