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Today We Dream

about living and learning, and filling our lives with children and their future.

Why a Baby’s Connection With a Parent Matters

Why a Baby’s Connection With a Parent Matters


An article in the New York Times, entitled "Why a Baby’s Connection With a Parent Matters" explores the relationship between parent and child, and the ways that self-confidence, problem-solving ability, independence, and language competence, and ability to build social relationships all start with the strength of this bond.

Children make attachments when they are in vitro and research says, that they can hear stories, music and conversations throughout this time.

Attachments make for emotionally well developed children and while complex in that they can be both negative and positive, it truly dictates so much in our later lives. 

Well worth a read.  Full NYT article here.


How trust nurtures brilliance

How trust nurtures brilliance

Choose Words that Build your Children's Self Esteem

Choose Words that Build your Children's Self Esteem