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Today We Dream

about living and learning, and filling our lives with children and their future.

What’s the weather today?

What’s the weather today?


What is the weather today? This is a question that is asked daily in our classrooms. Most of us have smart phones that give us information about the weather on a given day and in our classrooms we have calendars that identify the month of the year, the name of the day of the week, the actual date, the word identifying the weather as well as pictures of the weather. As adults, I believe that we intellectualize the weather based on what we see each day. If the sky is blue, we assume that it is warm and sunny; if it is cloudy, we assume that it will be cooler etc. Young children experience the weather in a completely different way. They actually pay no attention to what they see but rather, since they are little beings, running on their senses, they experience each day from within. Children are more efficient in regulating their body temperature than adults. It is for this reason that I feel that we need to pay more attention to how children are dressed each day. I feel that it is better to undress them and place extra warm clothing in their backpacks, in case they feel cold during the day. It is far easier to make yourself warm than it is to make yourself cool. #todaywedream #keepcoolonwarmdays #staywarminwinter 

Educational Equality with UNICEF

Educational Equality with UNICEF

Helping children find their way out of their comfort zones

Helping children find their way out of their comfort zones